Sunday 7 January 2024

Different Kind of Stupid....

There will always be music. No matter what. What you hear, however is totally subjective. Sex, Power, Money. That is what I was taught. Doesn't matter who said what now, the whole idea is to be integrous.

I think 2024 is going to be different, like in a stupid good way.

I have to keep channelling, otherwise I might die.

I will write better content later but words cannot describe LOVE

Saturday 6 January 2024


 Automatic writing is a thing

I can't live without internet because then I couldn't listen to music...

I want to say so much stuff but my conscience just will not allow it, for some reason.

My Authorship was so integrous and genuine, a lot of people just raped my spirit.

I feel like everyone is taking the living shit out of my livelihood. It is enough to make someone suicidal. Of which they have succeeded. I hope they are happy with themselves. 

I won't let my past go, the past is part of the process... right?