Monday 5 January 2015

Closet Alcoholics

"Life is a party"

I'm supposed to be writing assignments. I'm just a bit pissed off because my left speaker on my sound system has just fucked up on meh. Urgh.

She's fucking wired mate.
Who the fuck reads this shit? Plus, how am I supposed to explain what's really going on?

I say she, as in, third person because, perhaps, it will easier to identify the issues that are occurring. I have become extremely estranged. Simply because I decided to lose the sense of self due to being a targeted individual. (TI 101 - google it)

I am not alone in this psychic battle.
Here in the western world it is beautiful and 'peaceful' yet in the minds of thousands are personal struggles indoctrinated by religion, media and elite mind controlling dictators.

I have had the pleasure of meeting many interesting, intelligent and influential people. If I could think straight again it might be easier to put into words the adventure I have pursued. It began on the 12th of December 2014. I was supposed to be meeting my friend for his birthday and got nervous so decided to finish off the Vodka.

I was drinking Jamican Lager Beer alone on a Friday night a week later I think... I called me ex and one of his girlfriends answered. I broke down and decided to cut myself. My other ex who is absolutely mental aswell, came around and had his wicked way. I believe this all happened in one night. I couldn't sleep as I wanted to "WAKE UP" to the ugly truths of life. I stopped brushing my teeth and endured yet another episode of insomnia. 48 hours later, I ran to catholic mass, in my sweet little pagan outfit. I insisted on having my birth control stopped as I do not wish the desire to 'play God' any longer, calling the NHS 101 and hoping to see some medical professional on a, you guessed it, a Sunday. Not happening.

So I goes on my merry way, a difficult decision to see my oldest best friend in town for coffee. We went to the craft fair; I was contemplating beginning my own trade in jewellery and hand made gifts myself only the night before. It is as if all my thoughts become reality. The stories I have written are hard truths and it is almost as if I have been fucked with and controlled since my pointless birth. I may have caused some grief so I want to walk alone, a lone wolf. My pack have dispersed.

I called my Father because I was shown enlightenment. My computer is being controlled by a perverted mind controlling stalker. It might be a group of hacktivists - hence the group title.

I don't know every thing, but I was doing intense reading about soul ages, the 7 deadly sins, redemption, and of course an intelligent designer. I believe I met God. If God is the light, and I saw the light, and then I felt guilt and regret because of my previous sins, well, I was granting suicide. So my Father took me away and I spent Christmas and New Year in psychiatric hospital. It is suspected underling schizophrenia. I know that it is propaganda and WAR.

I am not crazy. We all need something to help us through. We are all deserving of companionship. There is a lot more that I did not know before that has been revealed to me. I can only assume that every one around me knows the same things I do, or more than myself. This makes it hard to communicate.

They might be trying to kill me. But someone gives a fuck so know that if you're reading this we're not all bad and we do care!

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