Thursday 8 January 2015

Musical Chairs

I love everything, which is bad for me. Whether it be in the form of men, 'friends', food, lifestyle choices and of course media. Media is my current course of study, I did not realise I would be nearly graduating already and having vacated the party scene. The events of last year are bleeding into the beginning of this one, and therefore, I need to cautiously select the highlights of it to fit smoothly into the year ahead. For the greater good. If I am exposing positivity outwards then the world around me may be a brighter place.

I have been reading a book called "The Game Of Life" by a meta-physician, she demonstrates considerately, with bible references to complete the ways in which we should live by in order to be happy and successful, with out bringing harm or unrighteousness to another part of life. It explains about human emotion, desire and balance in God's Law. It basically explains how you should think to get what you want in life, with fair justification.

It has made me realise I have been such a jerk to a lot of acquaintances in my life and unfortunately my mind is quite insensitive recently, I think it's because of the lack of nice weather, haha.

Whenever I attempt to make amends I end up further shaming myself, that has to change!

If I quit pot then I can quit drinking too. I have been sober before, only until I relapse due to not feeling capable of monitoring and managing my unsteadiness. I will have to update here regularly and hopefully my progress will be evident by the quality of my writing.

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