Sunday 27 April 2014

Accentuating My Eccentricity

Welcome to my world.

Last last week has been a blast. A bizarre concoction of mood fluctuations, volatile situations and an uncertain notation. Every time I visit my family it's like going on holiday. An abdication of my responsibilities at home, and an opportunity to regale myself; happiness in a childhood sense. I once read,
Be happy like a child. Why? Because children are happy for no reason. If you are happy in this way, nobody and nothing can take your happiness away.
Do not spend your whole life chasing happiness, it will seem to evade you. Rather, get on with your life, and happiness will float around you like a fluttering butterfly.
Another thing to add,
Happiness is (arguably) a way of life. We all have our ups and downs. Our own dreams, desires and aspirations. So, those who say they are trying to 'reach Enlightenment' are fooled by this notion, as Enlightenment is a constant revelation. Every breath you take, every thought you have, every action you make, you are creating your own reality. Your destiny.

I have to eat my baguette whilst it's warm. Stay tuned.

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